CLOSED: Disney World, Disneyland, and Other Disney Destinations

Disney has announced the following closures:

  • Disney World parks closed beginning Monday, March 16

    • Disney World Hotels closed beginning 5PM Friday March 20

    • Disney-operated Disney Springs stores closed beginning Tuesday, March 17

  • Disneyland parks closed beginning of Saturday, March 14

    • Disneyland Hotels closing beginning 11AM Monday, March 16

    • Disney-operated Downtown Disney stores closed beginning 8PM Monday, March 16

  • Disneyland Paris parks closed beginning Saturday, March 14

    • Disney Village closed beginning Sunday, March 15

    • Disney hotels closing beginning Sunday, March 15

  • Disney Cruise Line departures suspended starting Saturday, March 14

In addition, Hong Kong Disneyland, Shanghai Disneyland, and Tokyo Disney Resort remain closed.

For all of these destinations, rules may vary for their hotels or downtown sectors, and you should consult directly with the resorts for more specifics.

Important: Disney World Phased Reopening Notice

This topic is temporarily impacted by the ongoing phased reopening of Walt Disney World after its extended mid-2020 closure. We highly recommend you also visit our Walt Disney World Reopening Masterpost, where we highlight specific issues guests will face during this unique time.

Disney Parks Closure Coverage

Moreover, you should contact the resort or your travel agent to discuss your refund / rescheduling options.

At the outset, it should go without saying that nothing covered on this site compares with the human toll and risk of the disease. No one should think we are minimizing the situation, but this site exists to help people plan Disney vacations, and that is what we’ll be focusing on.

Obviously this is not the news upcoming guests were hoping for, but it is apparently a necessary step for public safety in the face of the spreading virus.

We don’t know when the parks will reopen. Tentatively, the US closures are scheduled through the end of the month, but that can (and likely will) change.

It’s important to remember that at this moment, we don’t know what the spread of the virus will look like. In particular, slowing the spread doesn’t necessarily mean overall lower cases or that the disease will go away anytime soon.

Slowing the spread of the virus is in part important because it avoids overwhelming the healthcare system at any given time.

Given that we may (intentionally) be in this for the “long haul”—however long that is—it’s hard to know what Disney will do. Can they possibly just close for months (a year? longer?) while the healthcare system deals with this.

Can they find a way to reopen once the spread of the virus is more understood and manageable? When testing is more readily available?

All anyone can say about this is I don’t know. I don’t think Bob Chapek himself really has an idea of when the parks will reopen—he’ll need to see how the virus spreads.

Until then, we’ll continue work on our site, and we’ll obviously provide any updates as we can.

We’ll have a few new posts based on our last trip going up, but otherwise the lack of new happenings at Disney World means not much new happening here.

We will be working on some new ways to engage, probably on instagram or maybe YouTube, while we wait to get back to the regular work.

Finally, the parks will reopen. And anyone planning a trip should look forward to that. In these times, it’s easy to think “there are more important things” and put Disney parks out of your mind…and there are more important things. Like your health, and your family’s health.

But Disney parks—or any destination for that matter—aren’t just about fun. They’re about time with family, friends, and yourself. That time is really what we do all of this for, and we should care about that and look forward to it.